Misana- Who was swept away to the Land of Beads

One of my favorite myths about the end of the world coming from the end of the world- Point Hope, Alaska. If you ever have to tell your children about me- the real story is a bit much for kids- just tell them this until they are at least 12.

The was once a young man who was called Misana. He was so young that he had just begun to get a small beard, yet he was a powerful hunter, who hunted walrus in all kinds of weather. But one day he, together with a comrade, was overtaken by a land gale with a snowstorm, and the waves broke over them so that they had to let themselves drift before the wind, away from land, out to the open sea. They grew weary and tried to bind their kayaks together to get some rest, but the waves were so high that they threatened to crush the kayaks, which could no longer maneuver quickly. So once more each had to struggle for his own life, and almost immediately afterwards they kayak of Misana’s comrade overturned and came up no more.

Misana did not whether he was drifting. He merely tried to hold himself up against the seas and take good care that his paddle was not wrestled from his grasp. Farther and farther he drifted out, till he came to a big ice floe; he let himself be washed up on it and got a little rest, but it was not long before the waves ate up the big ice floe, and again he had to go on in his kayak. How long he had drifter around he did not know, but when the storm cleared up a little he could just glimpse the high land of King Island like a little dot in the horizon. Now that he knew where he was he seemed to gain new strength, and he set his course for the mainland from which he had come. He paddled and paddled until he was near enough to discern the trees on the coast, but then came the same land storm again, sweeping over him thick with snow, and against his will he had to let himself be borne seaward by the waves. Now and then he could rest a little on the ice floes he encountered. In one place, where he had approached a big ice field which for some time withstood the storms, he caught a little baby seal and got food just when his hunger was beginning to overwhelm him. He now understood that it was necessary to make his provisions hold out as long as possible, and therefore satisfied himself with merely taking a mouthful at a time, when he could no longer restrain his hunger.

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God is the Greatest Magician of All

Though it is widely thought

that thoughts are under your control


where do they go when you aren’t thinking them?

where do they go sometimes when you go to look for them?


and moments pass

maybe hours

maybe days

the thought

whatever you forgot

still not there

then it magically


out of nowhere!


How is this possible

no one apparently ever bothered to ask

or thought that


the arriving of life

from nothing


was the source

and such an intricate complexity

as life itself

with all the different parts that all work

chalked up only

to random chance


complexity of this level

all following some basic blueprints

leads me to believe

it is more purposeful than just which ever way the lincoln logs fell

and it is also the same entity

as it keeps following the same plan

over and over

starting with the same basic materials


if it were so easy for the logs the fall just the right way

the molecules to align

then wouldn’t life exist elsewhere?

wouldn’t our planet itself have more chances than just the one

which we now believe all life came originally from


multiple origins of many types of organisms?


and why is it that when you are thinking

that thought that you forgot

that all your other thoughts



into thin air?

For where do they go

you take it for granted

they will be right back


Just around the corner were they?


The problem with this is that you


take for granted

that trillions of bytes of information

are automatically just stored in your head

but God gives you whatever it wants back

not what you want

this is why some kids don’t do well in school

have problems remembering information

and some people have photographic memory

these things are independent of the biological medium

the brain, the eyes, the ears, for most are the same

it is the playback of this information that God gives you

(how else are you to store so much in a brain that is 99% chimpanzee

and have come so extraordinarily far just in the last 400 years in terms of thought and knowlege

while your genetic makeup has remained unchanged from the days you were banging two rocks together)

sometimes this playback is excellent

sometimes it doesn’t even exist at all

“in one ear, out the other” it is called


and though it is widely thought

that thought controls your actions

all people experience a phenomenon

in which they speak before thinking at all

often later regretful

especially if this conflicts with the sense of morality they think they possess


for a little while as a kid I had a stuttering problem

that just appeared out of nowhere

my mom told me to think about what I was going to say

before I said it

and I did for a while

but really it is more of a simultaneous process

in which life happens

and there is the illusion of control as well as the familiar pattern you fit into

and you just talk

you don’t really think about it

most of the time

(look closely at your own responses especially to other people’s questions- often this is very automated really)


And if I tell you to imagine

a bowl of chocolate ice cream

on a sunny day

and how it would taste

can you?

But does the bowl of ice cream exist in reality?


Why is it that songs get stuck in people’s heads

who are totally tone deaf

and can’t hold a beat on their own?


But no

thoughts do not just magically apparate

and we haven’t just magically become extreme

innovators and creators

extraordinary dreamers

compared to the chimp

with a stick eating ants.


God is quicker than the eye

for this is how fast a thought moves

and through what medium?

if any to reach us?

becoming us?

but electrical in nature

it seems


And as I’ve learned with my prolonged experience first hand with God

it can put anything it wants

as your thought

don’t want to think it?

too bad.


It is not from healthy people

we have learned so much about medicine

from peace

about the human body and genome

but from the sick and injured

and when God takes over my thoughts

replacing them with things I don’t appreciate

this is certainly a form of sickness

like getting cancer

but it also tells us

how normal healthy people



God thinks nice thoughts for you

every day

never does it forget your name (unless you get amnesia or Alzheimer)

and it always remembers whose memories are whose

and yes

perhaps you should be more appreciative of what you got

totally taken for granted.

(but then it won’t take responsibility for the bad thoughts, and has had people worship a false idol- itself who is not so perfect after all- so you’re probably even-steven by not feeling/thinking anything at all about it)


If God is giving you good thoughts

and if your thoughts are not so good

people themselves really aren’t to blame

or to praise

it is just whatever rabbit the magician wants to pull out of the hat for you

sometimes a bunny rabbit

but sometimes a lion trying to eat you or others.


There really isn’t a lot of control over the entire thing

you can agree

you can disagree

and this is what most people do

agree with whatever thought God places in front of you

unless it gets to be disagreeable

then you fight it.


Common forms of disagreeable thoughts

God tortures people with

include addiction

telling people to have another drink

snort another line

puff another smoke

all the while

hurting them

God does

them blames it on them

or says it was “a disease”

but sure as hell

wasn’t God putting repetitive thoughts in your head

effectively reducing your life to nothing

thought by thought by thought

until you finally act

on what it says

even though

you know it is killing you.

Giving Them The Finger

And one finger

not good enough

not good enough

Photo by adam crowe- Flickr

For one finger is used to point

to blame (each other, God…)

to draw attention to something (ourselves, God, the crimes…)

to pretend to point and shoot.

Index finger pointing upward

was a sign in the Grateful Dead parking lot

you needed a “miracle”

that is a free ticket

if there were any available

to get in to see the show (I got in to “see the show”, the show is you, me the world, our history, and God is just using us, sometimes good, but a lot of bad ends- and you, clueless that it is all an act of God, you got in to see the show too I see- but from a different angle)

The middle finger pointing up

and towards someone

tells them to fuck off

and here we are in the middle

of life itself

and I believe God told me to fuck off

also called “giving them the bird”

coincidentally my only real boyfriend

only 9 months

was named Bird

and we did lots of fucking

but then the ghost of such experiences

has haunted me the past 20 years

with any star God wanted use at the time

mentally fucking me….

really gave me the bird

on that one

didn’t you God?

There is always the ring finger

to symbolize everlasting love

I’m married to God

it sucks

it has total control over my sexuality

inside and out

unless you call

the only guy I’ve had sex with

since I met God

named Adam

who had a really big dick

and I bled for a week from

just coincidence

and me raping myself

on my part
Thumb out is hitchhiking

this concept has been explained elsewhere

and we are trying to GET OFF THE ROAD

so just a thumb itself

will not do

and you can do your own footwork

on what the pinky alone is

So we are going for two fingers

(which I coincidentally broke this year)

peace brothers and sisters


Photo by bitzi ☂ ion-bogdan dumitrescu- Flickr

So we are going for two fingers

one to symbolize ourself

a single individual

or the human race

and one to represent God

but not so close

a bit distant please

(as God really is a rapist, a murder, a liar, a thief)

or it could represent me

and you

but not so close

we should be friends

not lovers

a little distance

or it could represent

the two Gods

one as it as always been

you are just at a failure to recognize

where you are at

(maybe not such a bad thing since it was just going to continue doing what it does)

and one as God should be

actually compassionate and wise

instead of just putting up a false front

and propigating all kinds of other things in the back room.

And perhaps there will be two humans as well

the animal people who came before

which you are now

a violent sort of dreamer

always thinking they were in control

while being the furthest from it

and tomorrow maybe

you won’t be completely insane

as an entire human race

that is spiraling


to its self inflicted doom.

As God Is Known, So Is Woman

Though God may not give you the answers, you can certainly learn from your mistakes. 

Jesus Christ’s knowledge of God
is like his knowledge of women

though he’d seen them in passing
and knew what they were for
in the interest of his career and image
they were never thought of in that way
and if so, surely never spoken of.

  • For is love, are women, or any relationship trouble? Surely, but that is no reason to forgo the entire experience and think of it as “dirty”. We may be dirty, but we clean up real nice.

Buddha’s knowledge of God
is like his knowledge of women

he didn’t pay any attention
or value what he had
in search of better
while totally denying any responsibility
let alone time or involvement
in the family he created.

  • Love the one you’re with! What you have got, be it big or small, we all have roles and responsibilities to other human beings on this planet, which should come 1st before your own selfish interests. 3 lives are more important than just 1. Work with what you have got even though you may not have chosen it yourself.

Mohammad’s knowledge of God 
is like his knowledge of women

he couldn’t find the keys to the front door (clitoris)
let alone the one just inside the gate (g-spot)
though he had many chances
and you all thought he was an outstanding success
as life went on.

  • Sometimes it is more important to share joy than to hoard it all to yourself.

All of the above we are all guilty of, for the woman and God: we thought we knew all about- but we didn’t, we had what was important already- but kept searching for better, and if by chance we ever came across the truth about the whole thing, we would have been too embarrassed to relate such to others, let alone again to ourselves.

And this whole conversation is absolutely incomplete without the following caveat:

And someday maybe women not such a mystery, just as God.

But only if you listen to her.

Demasiada Lluvia (Too Much Rain)


Waterdrops by steve took it- Flickr

Within each single drop
that ever falls
or ever will
to earth
our most
precious resource
fresh water
is a singular view
upside down
of the world

and that is how we live
life by the drop
in reverse
upside down

In God We Trust

(I sure as hell wouldn’t after actually meeting it and having it lie to me, and apparently others like a compulsive liar- let alone a dangerous one who manipulates people and murders them every single day)

I think
therefore I am

(never really finding out who “I” is obviously by this statement)

You people are real thinkers

purposefully has people have problems
then you say you are doing
the “Lord’s work” by trying to fix them
help them

at least figure out who you are working for
when kindness upon others
becomes your entire life

people aren’t so bad to work for you know
but a purposefully deceitful, bloodthirsty, backstabbing, AIDS creating God? (who apparently can’t keep their dick in their pants- desire flooded the earth- the cause- God does create all thought- and now it is blaming you for “your poor behavior” and lack of control, meanwhile spiraling the population out of control and destroying God’s own green earth at an ever increasing rate. No big deal, it only took God billions of years to create such a green a blue planet with this much biological diversity- rather extraordinarily unique in the universe yet- and God is now destroying it in front of our eyes while you all blame each other or deny it is occurring. Do you really want to trust “someone” like that?

Enough with the rain already
right side up
is the other way folks.